Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Lent Mar 7 - Isaiah 43:25

J o h n   D e e r

Wednesday, March 7

Isaiah 43:25

“I, I am he who blots out

your transgressions for

my own sake, and I

will not remember your sins.


In the verses before this one the Lord speaks of some of the things he has done for Israel in the past. Bringing her through the waters, extinguishing the Warriors and the chariots, and things that He has done to bring His people to glory. 


Then He tells us to forget all that... “I’m doing something new now.” Making a way through the wilderness and bringing rivers to the desert.


Such an amazing thing that even the beasts of the forest give Him praise!!


But his people do not.


The Lord goes on to talk about all the things that Jacob and Israel have STOPPED doing.


   Giving God the glory! 

   Praising Him!

   Thanking Him for all He has done!


They forgot how they got to where they are.


He’s the guy that “ blots out our transgressions “ and “will not remember our sins”


And all He asks in return is to praise Him and remember Him and honor Him.


Seems like a small price to pay.


I think about all the times in my life that God has carried me and brought me through the fire (many times self-induced). I pray that I never lose my gratitude. And I pray that I never forget what carried me to where I am today!


God’s grace!


For the people of Israel, and even for a lil old me.


John Deer

a guy that has learned

if I put God first 

I won’t get lost....

not only does He

know his way around...

He knows where

I’m supposed to be!!!


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