Sunday, September 9, 2018

Devotions back - Sunday - DO YOU STILL WANT?

I’m winnowing my list.

RESPOND “YES” if you

want to remain on my list.

If you’ve already responded

“yes,” I have you on the list.

If you do nothing, you’ll be off :)

I’ll try twice more after this weekend.


Themes in John:

What was Jesus’ purpose?

He states, For this I came into the world,

to testify to the truth -18:37.


Bonus: It sets us free.


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We had fun in our Truth Project class last Fall. We’d ask each new class member: “Why did Jesus come into the world?” They’d say something like, “To save us from our sins.” We’d say, “Oh, what a great answer. Jesus is the Savior. He loves us. He died for us. But … NO!!!”


Again and again. No matter their answer. “NO!!!”


And then we’d point to this verse. Jesus himself defined why he came: He came to “testify to the truth” (John 18:37). Jesus was (and is) the Truth. (He is, indeed, “the way, the truth, and the life.”)


Furthermore he proclaims that there is Truth — a true, right, and only God and, therefore, a true and right way that God ordains for us to live. Indeed, how many times did Jesus say in the Gospels, “Truly, truly, I say to you …” (Twenty-four times in the Gospel of Matthew alone!)


Then in John 8 he makes this claim … “The Truth will set you Free.” If Jesus is (the) Truth, then truly he will set you free. Furthermore, if there is a true and right God, then living in God’s true and right way will set you free too.


And if Jesus came to point you to Truth — to himself and to the true and godly way — then our question this Fall is: “What are you doing to know Jesus and follow him more fully.”






Saturday, September 8, 2018

Devotions back - Saturday - DO YOU STILL WANT?

I’m winnowing my list.

RESPOND “YES” if you

want to remain on my list.

If you do nothing, you’ll be off :)

I’ll try twice more after this weekend.


Sunday starts our fall focus:




How do we find the blessed life?

Today’s verse: By knowing Jesus!!


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What is eternal life?


It’s what happens when believers die, right? It’s going to heaven.


Jesus defines it differently. He says that eternal life is knowing God.


Now, we know that “knowing God” punches our ticket. It gets us into heaven. But does Jesus say that it’s more than that?




If “knowing Jesus” is part of “believing in Jesus,” then from the moment we first believe, eternal life begins. We’ve invited Jesus to come into our heart. To reign over our heart and life as King. Now, we never do this perfectly, but with the Spirit’s help, we grow in faith, love, and obedience. And as we do, our life gradually becomes LIFE!!!


This Fall, come and discover …






Friday, September 7, 2018

Devotions back - Friday - DO YOU STILL WANT?

I’m winnowing my list.

RESPOND “YES” if you

want to remain on my list.

If you do nothing, you’ll be off :)

I’ll try twice more after this weekend.





Today’s verse reveal’s the Gospel’s purpose:

“that through believing you may have life.”


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AT THE VERY END of John’s Gospel (at the least the end before the postlude — which is chapter 21), John states his purpose in writing this “book.” His first purpose — as he states — is “so that you may come to believe.”


And why is believing important? That’s where John’s second purpose comes in: “so … that through believing you may have life in his name.”


He’s saying: FAITH equals LIFE.


Meaning: If your life needs a pick-me-up, then greater faith is the answer. This fall, what are you choosing to do to grow your faith and enrich your life?!