Sunday, March 4, 2018

Lent - Mar 2 - Romans 1:16

G a r y   R o s e m a n

Romans 1:16

For I am not ashamed

of the gospel, for it is the

power of God for salvation

to everyone who believes,

to the Jew first and also

to the Greek.


I’ve had the opportunity a few time to write talks for Via de Cristo events. The first time I was asked to do that I wasn’t sure they had picked the right person for the job. But I said okay and started writing. It was not easy saying what I wanted to say, But, as I read what I had written down it brought scripture verses to mind and I began to add in verses to support what I was saying. I guess that’s when this verse came alive to me. My words didn’t do much until I added the power of God as found in the gospel. A few verses before this Paul told the Romans he was preaching in other places to believers and non believers. I think Paul wanted them to know God’s power is available to anyone who believes. And that His power is in the gospel and all for salvation for believers. 


Just as in my talks, as Christians, when you and I tell our faith story the only part of it that makes any sense/difference is how Christ saved “me”.  I know it was only by His Grace and power that “He” saved me and I know that because of the power of His word. 


A guy who is humbled

by the gospel and

thankful for its Power!

Gary Roseman


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