Saturday, March 31, 2018

EASTER - April 1 - 1 Corinthians 15:13-20

1 Corinthians 15:13-20

If there is no resurrection

of the dead, then Christ

has not been raised; and

if Christ has not been raised,

then our proclamation

has been in vain and

your faith has been in vain.

… But in fact Christ has been

raised from the dead, the first

fruits of those who have died.


The Apostle Paul (who wrote this verse) staked his life -- not on a wish or a possiblity -- but on an absolute fact that he’d witnessed. “But in fact Christ has been raised from the dead”!


Peter, James, Philip, Nathanael, Matthew, Thomas, and the rest went to their death as martyrs -- not because of a wish or a possiblity -- but because of an absolute fact that they’d seen with their eyes and touched with their hands. “In fact Christ has been raised from the dead”!


When we believe their testimony, our “faith [is] not in vain.” Rather, we’re staking our lives -- not on a wish or a possiblity -- but on the absolute fact that these tax collectors and fisherman spent their lives proclaim. “Christ has been raised from the dead”!


Christ is Risen!



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