Monday, March 26, 2018

Good Friday - Mar 30 - Colossians 2:14

V i c t o r i a   L a d d

Colossians 2:14

By canceling

the record of debt

that stood against us

with its legal demands.

This he set aside,

nailing it to the cross.


In the letter of Colossians, Paul emphasizes the importance of God in our everyday lives.  Specifically, in chapter 2, we are to be true to our faith in God and that by putting our trust in him; we will be forgiven of our debts or sins against us now and forever.


Upon my first read of the verse, I immediately thought of when I spent part of a summer at Lutheridge, which was a part of the Journey to Adulthood (J2A) class to become confirmed into the congregation.  One day, we were all given slips of paper where everyone wrote down a debt or sin that was burdening us (a weight on our chest).  At this time in my life, it could be anything from failing a test in school to having gotten into an argument with a friend or family member.  Later on, we folded our slips and they were put onto a line of wooden crosses on the table.  One of the pastors then lit the crosses and we all saw the slips burn and the crosses spelled out the word “forgiven”. 


I still look back on that moment to this day.  I know in my life, I’ve veered off course in my faith and have fallen to the burdens of everyday things.  But in being true to my faith and turning my heart to God, I’ve seen the power of God’s everlasting love and forgiveness in cleansing me of my debts and I truly am thankful for God’s mercy and grace on me.


In Christ’s Love,

A Thankful Servant

To God’s Amazing Grace

Victoria Ladd

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