What has been is what will be,
and what has been done
is what will be done; there is
nothing new under the sun.
Ecclesiastes 1:9
The Sexual Revolution ... when did it begin?
Hmm. Well … let's put it this way: There is nothing new under the sun.
That was the assessment of King Solomon. (He was, of course, the man with 700 wives and 300 hundred concubines. And he was also the one who tried hedonism as the path to happiness: “I thought to myself, ‘Come now, I will try self-indulgent pleasure to see if it is worthwhile.’ But I found that it also is futile – Ecc 2:1.)
While the Sexual Revolution truly started long ago, the 1960s marked the age when many Americans first seemed to hear the first shots in the war. Nevertheless, this "Era of Free Love" ushered a very different culture into our relatively settled American society.
A very disastrous new culture.
That's the assessment of Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, author of "The Sexual Revolution and Its Victims."
The Sexual Revolution was supposed to be about freedom. But rebellion against God's gracious wisdom always and ultimately brings bondage.
Who are the victims of the Sexual Revolution?
· Millions upon millions of children are growing up without both parents.
· Too many women are abandoned and are raising kids as single mothers.
· There is a continued collapse of the nuclear family.
· There is a rapidly rising rape culture.
· As the sex industry rises, so does human trafficking.
· Being sexually assaulted is increasingly common for young girls -- and young boys too. And a sexually permissive culture is unintentionally -- but increasingly -- encouraging young boys to act on urges.
· There is the powerful bondage of pornographic addiction on a generation of individuals.
· The deadening effects that watching pornography has on real person-to-person relationships.
· The growing acceptance of practices which were historically labeled "perversion." (On the day I'm writing this, New York legalized some forms of incest.) Too many people who'd like to be married and raise a family can't seem to find partners who want a commitment.
· Some women, who after two decades of chemical-induced birth control, can't conceive naturally when -- in their mid-thirties -- they finally start trying. This often causes great grief and/or great expense.
· Generations of children who are being robbed of their innocence -- by what they are increasing being exposed to on family television; by what's being talked about by kids at school at a younger and younger age; by what's being modeled by unhealthy parents who are selfishly satisfying themselves, regardless of the impact on their kids.
· And most of all the millions of unborn babies who were aborted ... and the millions of would-be-moms who report significant emotional scarring.
The logic of our modern society is privacy and freedom -- whatever happens between two people (or increasingly between three or one) is their own private business, right?
Well, if this is your ethical logic, re-read the list above. The Sexual Revolution has been fought ... and increasing slavery, sadness, and dysfunction has won.
Question: What are your ethics regarding sexuality? Indeed, what do you excuse (sexually or in any other moral category) ... and what are the unintended consequences?
In Christ's Love,
a guy who wants
a new sexual revolution
-- one that fights against
the current enslavement
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