Saturday, March 7, 2015

Mar 7-8 - Colossians 3:16c

with gratitude in your hearts

sing psalms, hymns, and

spiritual songs to God

Colossians 3:16c


In recent days, I’ve told you how important faith is to holding marriage together and empowering our lives.






Today’s verse reminds us of the heart of true, deep faith … and that is to worship.


So why do you go to worship? A mom told me recently, “I tell my kids all the time, ‘We go to be fed.’”


It makes sense, right? In order to empower our family and marriages, we need to be continually fed!


·         To know how to navigate trials and temptations, we need the nourishment of God’s wisdom.

·         To understand that big book of Scripture, we good teaching to help us digest “the Good Book.”

·         For sinners to discern how to strengthen their relationship, we need the recipe for forgiveness and cooperation.


So what is worship? “I tell my kids all the time, ‘We go to be fed.’”


I said to this friend, “I’m glad you are fed. I’m a teacher, and that’s always my goal! But … that’s not the goal of worship.” The goal of worship is … worship! And worship is directing our praise and thanksgiving to God!


·         He is the Creator, so we celebrate His power.

·         He is the Provider, so we thank Him for His generosity.

·         He is compassionate, so we draw near for comfort.

·         He is strong and loving and majestic, so we praise his holy name!


As the first verses of Psalm 95 say, Oh come, let us sing to the Lord; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation! Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise!


And why do we do that? Psalm 95 continues to tell us … For the Lord is a great God, and a great King above all gods. In his hand are the depths of the earth; the heights of the mountains are his also. The sea is his, for he made it, and his hands formed the dry land.


So what does this have to do with dating, marriage, and relationships?!


Most of us make our lives about us. What will God give ME? What will my pastor teaches ME? How will this worship feed ME?


No! Worship should remind how small we are. This world is not about us; it’s about God. And whenever we worship, we point beyond our strengths and needs and pride, and we attach ourselves to God’s power, provision, and generosity.


Marriage uncovers the same smallness and pettiness that most of us have within us. Most of us make life and marriage about ourselves too. What does my spouse give ME … or not? How does my beloved supply MY needs … or not? How does my spouse make ME happy … or not?


Worship of God reminds us that none of this is about us. And when that same humbleness trickles into our marriage, we begin look at our spouse with thanksgiving and praise. And then life and marriage really begin to get fun!


Question of the Day: In your most important relationship(s) ave you humbled yourself enough to begin to see them with thankfulness and praise?


In Christ’s Love,

a guy who doesn’t worship

the ground his wife walks on

… but worships the one

who helps us both

walk together


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