Your Name is BOLD
Great Shepherd of the Journey, create in me an excitement for today.
And draw me into a God-sized adventure in these next 12 hours.
Look at today with greater expectancy than you normally do. Expect to see God show up today.
David shouted [to Goliath],
"You come to me with sword, spear, and javelin,
but I come to you in the name of the Lord Almighty.
1 Samuel 17:45
This past Sunday I said one word -- in the midst of thousands of words -- and two men rushed up to me afterward, saying, "You said exactly what I've been thinking!"
That one word was "adventure."
I know why these two men were captivated by that word. Both of them happen to be reading John Eldredge's recent classic, "Wild at Heart." In a world of drudgery and routine, "Wild at Heart" attempts to reawaken the boldness, passion, and adventure of the Christian life.
TO MEN, John Eldredge says, "Every man was once a boy. And every little boy has dreams, big dreams: dreams of being the hero, of beating the bad guys, of doing daring feats and rescuing the damsel in distress. But what happens to those dreams when we grow up? Most Christian men are...bored. [Let's] recover [our] masculine heart, defined in the image of a passionate God." ( WOMEN, Eldredge's wife Staci -- in her companion book, "Captivating" -- says, "Every little girl dreams of being romanced, being swept up into a great adventure, and being a beautiful princess. And yet, when women grow up, they exchange those dreams for a life often filled with nothing more than duty and demands. But Jesus Christ did not move heaven and earth to make you tired. He came to restore your heart as a woman and set you free through His love."
YOUR LIFE IS MORE THAN THE WORLD'S REDUCED IT TO. So embrace those wonderful, old dreams again. You are a boy facing a giant! You are a girl who is captivated and captivating! You are on a mission from God!
Ask the Lord of your journey to draw you into a God-sized adventure TODAY. Indeed, may he sweep you -- day by day --into a new and glorious season of meaning and purpose and significance.
In Christ's Love,
Sir Edward,
a Knight of the Kingdom,
reporting for duty today
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