Dear Daily Devotional Group - Our next 26 days of devotions will be the same as -- and different than -- normal. We'll still have a verse and a reflection, but they'll be folded around one of 26 different facets of God's character and an invitation to grow in prayer in relation to this aspect of our Lord's nature ...
Hallowed Be Thy Name
2 6 D a y I n v i t a t i o n t o P r a y e r
This past Sunday we learned that there are 624 seperate and distinct names for God in the scriptures. God's name is important. It's part of how we get to know him, and scripture tells us that it's a source of power and blessing. For the next 26 days -- A through Z -- you're invited to join with me in calling on God's name because using each different expression of his personality helps us know and worship him more fully.
There are two ways to use this prayer guide: 1) Read the whole prayer every day, stopping and meditating on anything that grabs you. 2) I will send you a "thought of the day." This simple devotion should help you focus on the gift that this particular day's reflection brings.
OCT 25
Your Name is ALMIGHTY
My Lord and Creator, as I start this day, buckle my knees
and help me start today by bowing before you!
Begin your prayers by literally getting down on your knees and bowing your heart in reverence and awe.
OCT 26
Your Name is BOLD
Great Shepherd of the Journey, create in me an excitement for today.
And draw me into a God-sized adventure in these next 12 hours.
Look at today with greater expectancy than you normally do. Expect to see God show up today.
OCT 27
Your Name is COMFORTER
Mighty God, wherever I am weary or carrying heavy burdens,
answer my prayers for you are my sustainer.
Give him your burdens. Let him carry your worries.
OCT 28
Your Name is DELIVERER
Mighty Lord, wherever the great battlefront is today,
I trust you to be my victory.
Identify your personal points of struggle. Now trust him to be stronger than the enem9ies0.
OCT 29
Your Name is EXALTED
Right now ... O Lord, I lift my voice
as I sing a song of praise to you!
Let the words or melody of your favorite song of praise begin to rattle through your head today.
OCT 30
Your Name is FORGIVER
Right now ... I confess my sins,
because I trust you to free me.
Right now confess your sins ... then don’t let Christ die in vain. You are forgiven. Trust in this victory.
OCT 31
Your Name is GENEROUS
Right now ... I thank you
for everything in my life — especially _______.
Make a list — real or mental, long or short — of things you pray for.
Your Name is HOLY
Right now ... let worship and awe rush over me
as I pray like the angels: "Holy, Holy, Holy!"
Stop ... look ... listen ... celebrate ... and worship.
Use this day, O Lord,
to draw me irresistably closer to you.
Ask for the grace to sink into his arms.
Your Name is JOYFUL
Use this day, O Lord, to help me appreciate the details of life even more,
thereby filling me with greater wonder and joy.
As many days as you can remember back, recall what’s brought you joy. Then ask for today.
Your Name is KNOWABLE
Use this day, O Lord, to remind me that you are not distant,
helping me instead to know you more personally.
Do you know God in your heart and not just know about him with your head?
Your Name is LOVE
Use this day, O Lord, to assure me that you have my picture on your refrigerator
and that I am wonderfully yours!
Consider God love: If you were the only person in the world who sinned, he would have died just for you!
Your Name is MAJESTY
Father God, help me see your hand as your kingdom comes closer
and becomes more real and alive in me today.
Open my eyes to where your kingdom is breaking into my world.
Your Name is NEWNESS
Father God, refresh my heart and renew this world ...
and help us all seek for thy will to be done upon this earth today.
What is God telling you about his will for our world today?
Father God, you are the powerful provider. Answer the prayers of my heart
for comfort, healing, or daily bread ... for me and those I love.
Pray passionately for the needs around you today.
Your Name is PEACE
Father God, restore peace to my relationships, helping me be the initiator
of reconciliation as I forgive those who’ve trespassed against me.
Who do you need to forgive? It may be hard, but it will set you free.
NOV 10
Your Name is QUIETNESS
Father God, when the noise of life distracts me, help me
wait upon the still, small, true voice that leads me not into temptation.
What tempts you? And have you listened hard enough to hear God’s still, small voice speaking to you?
NOV 11
Your Name is ROCK
Father God, be my my rock and my fortress, my shield and my armor,
and deliver me from all evil today.
What is the evil that’s swirling around us? And how is the evil one attacking you?
NOV 12
Your Name is SHEPHERD
Lord, you are the gentle shepherd of the sheep.
Help me rest (and rest in you) today.
Make a plan for how you’ll rest today. Make a plan for how you’ll rest in God today.
NOV 13
Your Name is TRUTH
Lord, you are the way and my life.
Teach me your truth — and more of it — today.
What’s the hard or nagging truth that you know you’re called to embrace?
NOV 14
Lord, you are Spirit, wind, and fire.
Blow through my life — unstoppable — today.
How real is the Spirit to you? Pray for him to have a bigger effect on your life.
NOV 15
Your Name is VICTORY
Lord, you are resurrection and life. Resurrect whatever is dying within me
and give me victory over whatever I need to escape from today.
What do you need to escape from? What victory do you crave? Pray for it!
NOV 16
Your Name is WISDOM
Lord, you are the vine, I am the branch.
Remind me to look to you — instead of myself — for guidance today.
What things do you know that you contradict God on? Choose his way today.
NOV 17
Your Name is X-TRAVAGANT
Lord, you are the alabaster jar of fragrant oil.
Pour your love, joy, and peace — like a river — over me today.
How has God’s goodness flowed generously over you? Lately? Ever?
NOV 18
Your Name is YOU
You are Lord of lords and King of kings. You are the great "I AM who I AM."
You are You! Fill more moments of this day with reverance and awe.
Look for God more fully today.
NOV 19
Your Name is ZEALOUS
Lord, you are absolutely passionate about my life.
Lead me out into your day.
Do you really believe that God is passionate about your life? Trust him to lead you today!