Sunday, February 24, 2013

Feb 24 - DAY 12 - Developing Your Friendshp with God

Day 12
Developing Your
Friendship with God

Draw near to God, and
He will draw near to you.
James 4:8

You’ve probably heard me say before that “some of my favorite people are recovering alcoholics.”

Why? “Because they’re the ones who learned they have to be honest to survive.”

Most of us can pretend. We hide our sins and faults and weaknesses. We wear a mask.

Perhaps the second most important line in The Purpose-Driven Life starts today’s chapter: “You are as close to God as you choose to be.”

And the most important step in growing closer to God is “choos[ing] to be honest with God.”

If we’re honest, too many of us are afraid to share our thoughts and feelings with God. Why?
  •      For one, we’re afraid he won’t like our deepest thoughts. But think about the irony: He knows our deeper thoughts already! Sharing our thoughts and hopes and dreams – both pious and imperfect – doesn’t change God  and his opinion of us. But it changes us! It opens up a corner of hearts. It brings the secrets into the light. It helps us know him. It helps us trust him. 
  •      Other’s don’t share with God because they don’t think it’s right or permissible to argue with The Lord’s rules, plans, and guidance. So rather than arguing with God about what’s on our hearts, we’re silent (think about what that does to the relationship) … and then do what we want anyway! When our kids do that to us, we call it passive-aggressive. Isn’t it ironic … trying to honor God by not arguing, we’re actually doing worse! 
  •      Let me list one final reason why people don’t share the thoughts and feelings with God: We’re afraid he’ll ask us to change. Ahh … that’s the real problem, isn’t it? When Jonah yelled at God, he was essentially saying, “I knew it! I knew that if I told the people of Ninevah what you wanted, they’d repent and you’d forgive. But I hate those filthy foreigners, and I didn’t want you to forgive them.”

Notice …
  1.      Job tried the silent treatment, ignoring God’s will.
  2.      It didn’t work. No matter if we stop up our ears and run the other way, we ultimately can’t escape God’s will.
  3.      But notice at the end what the reluctant prophet was doing: He was talking to God. Arguing, yes! But nevertheless, talking with God! It wasn’t pious speech. It wasn’t sweet and gentle and holy. But in conversation, an eternal relationship was being knit together.

I joked a few weeks ago in a sermon: “Don’t make me pray that God humbles you.” I could have added, “or swallows you with a whale … or sends a worm to eat your shade tree.” In other words, start talking to him now. “You are as close to God as you choose to be.”

In Christ’s Love,
a guy who loved
(and needed)
this chapter

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