A spiritual gift is given to each of us
as a means of helping the entire church.
1 Corinthians 12:7
Dear Daily Devotional Group AND Participants in the Deeper Life Conference,
For a few days, I want to combine these two email lists as I follow up with all of you regarding questions from the Deeper Life Conference.
For those who weren’t able to participate in the conference, Pastor David Chotka, Canadian author of Power Praying, joined us for three days to talk about connecting more fully to God. It was powerful and exceptional. It was Bible and teaching. It was prayer and Spirit. And it was a lot to take in!!!
Therefore, for our devotions for the next few days I want to combine mailing lists as we reflect on the Biblical teachings prompted by this conference.
Is being more spirit-filled
… rational or emotional?
First, it is biblical
Second, it is rational.
Third, you should be able to feel something new and different.
But fourth, don’t confuse Spirit with emotion! (Though some indeed will surely experience wonderful emotions through it.)
Let me give you an example …
My primary spiritual gift – known for many years and confirmed this week – is Wisdom. Wisdom is a very useful gift for a pastor! Spiritual insight and godly discernment are very practical skills in pastoral counseling and preaching. (It helps to know what God kind-of-thinks before you kind-of-proclaim the Word of God!)
In general, my gift is on the dull, dry, practical, and intellectual end of the spiritual-infilling spectrum. It is very wonderful … but in a rather buttoned-downed kind of way.
In other words, my primary gift fits me like your primary gift probably fits you! Indeed, since God made you, trust him to fill you in ways that will bless you and stretch you.
In fact, God is already filling you. He initiates. He’s waiting. And how much you receive depends on how big or little you respond.
As we move forward rationally, let’s each celebrate whichever gifts God gives you … whenever he gives them. And let’s celebrate the gifts that God gives others – whether their gift is more rational or more emotional than yours. Indeed, if God is giving, let’s simply celebrate. Why? Because as Paul says in 1 Corinthians 12:7, “A spiritual gift is given to each of us …” Why? “… as a means of helping the entire church.”
Yes, let’s celebrate whichever and whenever Spirit and gifts show up!
In Christ’s Love,
a wise guy
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