for although they knew God
they did not honor him as God
Romans 1:18-25
· A passage like this tempts us to ask: Do you know God?
· And then we’re tempted to wrestle with matters like: “to what degree”?
· Then we’re likely to rate ourselves.
· Then we either feel good about ourselves … or bad about ourselves.
· Either way, we begin to say it’s “normal” to have a divided heart, knowing him 80%, and being uncertain 20%.
Paul tells us that ALL people know God.
All people?! Yes! Paul says, “Ever since the creation of the world … [God’s] eternal power and diety ha[ve] been clearly perceived in the things that have been made.”
As people of faith, you’ve probably seen God’s fingerprints all over creation? You probably look around this world occasionally, saying, “Ahhh!” and “Wow!” and “Thank you!” But Paul contends in Romans 1 that ALL people should be in awe. Paul states that we should ALL know God. Why? “Because what can be known about God is [absolutely clear, absolutely wonderful, and absolutely] plain.” Indeed, Paul says that those who don’t know God are “without excuse.”
The question, however, is this: Does our failure to acknowledge God have societal consequences? Absolutely. Why? Because whoever controls creation controls culture.
What does that mean? Let me give you an example. For 150 years, science has taught that creation was random (evolution). Now, my goal is not to explain today how creation scientifically took place, but to simply say this: A random creation leaves no room for God. And when we don’t acknowledge an active God, Paul says that three things will happen …
1. We will “not honor him.”
2. We will “bec[o]me futile in our thinking.”
3. And our “minds will become darkened.”
Do you see that happening in our society? Absolutely! 1) Fewer and fewer people honor God, 2) more and more people are looking to “things” for hope, and 3) people’s minds and actions are becoming darker and darker.
I don’t know about you, but I want to change this! Therefore, in order to testify to our friends, let me simplify the science of creation to one clear thought: “No matter how the world was created, I believe in an active God! I believe he is wise, he is good, he is creative, and his fingerprints are absolutely everywhere!”
Maybe we can begin to take back a dark and hopeless culture by beginning to vocally “honor[ing] him as God.”
In Christ’s Love,
A guy who’s for the best science!
(Faith and science can mix.)
Because if God created everything – including science –
We don’t have to be afraid of anything!!!!
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