Friday, May 11, 2012

May 11 - 1 Kings 18:21

Elijah then came near to all the people, and said,
“How long will you go limping with two different opinions?
If the Lord is God, follow him;
but if Baal, then follow him.”
The people did not answer him a word.
1 Kings 18:21

There were two worlds within one kingdom. In Israel, one “world” was worshiping Yahweh, the God of their ancestors – Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The other “world” was worshiping the god of the neighbors, the god of their culture – Baal.

Elijah described the result as “limping.” Why? Because a double-heart and a double-mind means we can’t run freely in either direction.

All God’s are jealous. They want our hearts. Some gods seek to heal our heart. Others hope to crush it. But if there’s only one true God – and if he’s the only source of eternal hope and healing – then every other god, every other idol, every false priority ultimately crushes our heart and amputates our spirit. Some do it quickly (Baal is pure evil and delights in destruction). Other philosophies maim us slowly (serving two masters). Either way we limp, we stumble, we ache, we fall.

Elijah said, “Make a choice.”


And he wasn’t just speaking to ancient Jews.

He invites you to make a choice. Today. Oddly the people didn’t answer him one word. Today, will you be silent or vocal? Passive or bold? Double-minded or full-hearted? Limping or running joyfully?

In Christ’s Love,
a guy who’s pitching
the crutches

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