Friday, January 27, 2012

Jan 27 - Acts 12:8

The angel said to Peter,
"Fasten your belt and
put on your sandals."
He did so.
Acts 12:8
Whenever it's time to go somewhere, parents are constantly telling their children to "fasten their [seat] belt" and "put on their [shoes]."
If you had kids, what percentage argued? My kids weren't arguers; they were dawddlers. It often took a half hour to get out the door, in the car, and on the road.
Why is it important for children to obey their parents? Because it's practice for obeying God. 
The role of a good parent is to teach discipline. And good parents don't have to be harsh disciplinarians to do this, but they do have to insist on obedience. Why? Because hearts supple to their earthly father's authority (whom they can see), are more likely to be open to the heavenly Father's authority (whom they can't see).
When Peter was in prison, God said, "Jump!" Heaven said, "Peter, fasten your [seat] belt and put on your [shoes]." If the Apostle's heart hadn't been ready and obedient, he would have remained in prison.
God has somewhere for you to go. It's time! Freely obey and discover God's blessings ... instead of remaining in your self-imposed prison of willfulness.
In Christ's Love,
a guy who has his shoes on
and is ready for an adventure
(Strap me in and send me out)

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