Sunday, October 9, 2011

Oct 9 - Luke 8:18

Jesus said,
Then pay attention to how you listen;
for to those who have, more will be given
Luke 8:18
What are you doing right now?
Yes, yes, I know it's with your reading eyes -- rather than your listening ears -- that you're "listening" to the Word. Nevertheless, you're intentionally taking 3 of 1440 minutes of your day to try to "hear" what God is saying to you.
Hear this today: God blesses those who listen! Indeed, our Lord powerfully and purposefully blesses those who sincerely seek him. Furthermore, he says he wants to fill you ... "more" ... and "more" ... and "more."
If you read Luke 8 in context, Jesus has just told the parable of the sower. You probably remember how he warned about head and hearts of stone, shallow roots and shallow intentions, and worldly intentions that grab and ensnare like prickly thorns. And you probably also remember how he invites us to pray, "Lord, let my heart be good soil."
Those are actually lyrics based on this scripture, rather than Jesus' exact words. But they echo his generous promise: "Pay attention to how you listen, [because the more you listen and the more you] have, [the] more will be given."
In Christ's Love,
a guy who loves spending
3 of 1440 minutes with God
... and is greedy for more.
"More, Lord. More!"

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