Tuesday, May 10, 2011

May 10 - Psalm 37:8, 7

Stop being angry!
Turn from your rage!
Be still in the presence of the Lord,
and wait patiently for him to act.
Psalm 37:8,7
I'm slow in sending out today's devotion. Therefore, while "waiting patiently for him [Pastor Ed in this case] to act," a friend started reflecting in advance on today's reading.
It led him to reflect on road rage! "Stop being angry! Turn from your rage!"
Have you felt that on the roads -- either in you or in others?
Recently a different friend was reflecting on his own road rage. His commute was long, the trip kept taking longer, job pressures were mounting, and he was getting angrier and angrier.
What he realized -- upon reflection -- was that his anger had nothing to do with driving. It was the growing stress in his life. He was out of control over his schedule ... the stress was bubbling over ... frustration was barely a quarter of an inch below the surface ... and it was spilling out into anger -- usually on the streets because 1) people do act stupidly on the roads, and 2) it's a little anonymous (and better than blowing up at your boss).
Tired. Stress. Out of control. Frustrated. Do any of those define your life? Scripture offers an antidote: Be still in the presence of the Lord.
It's quiet time. It's prayer. It's filling up our gas tank before the day begins, rather than running on fumes and having our explosions just a quarter of an inch away.
Thanks for waiting patiently for me to act today. But the more important key is waiting patiently for God. It is trusting in him to act, instead of us just charge out exhausted, acting on our own.
In Christ's Love,
a guy who was impatient
with someone who interrupted
as I was writing this
(It's hard ... isn't it?
"Be still" ... "be still" ... "be still")

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