Saturday, May 23, 2015

May 23-24 - Psalm 85:10

Steadfast love and

faithfulness meet;

righteousness and

peace kiss each other.

Psalm 85:10


We’ve been talking about marriage for a while. Hopefully it involves some occasional “kiss[ing] of each other”!


Biblically – at least according to today’s passage – what (besides husband and wife) is supposed each other? Righteousness and peace.


I don’t know about you and your beloved, but in my marriage, righteousness and peace don’t seem to be kissing cousins! Indeed, whenever I want to be “right” (rather than choosing intentionally to be loving or forgiving or patient), then there’s more likely a fuss rather than a peace.


But being right, of course, is not what’s meant by “righteousness”!


To be righteous (rather than right), we must intentionally choose love, forgiveness, and patience. We must be more concerned with building permanent relationships rather than proving temporary points.


Yes, TRUTH matters in righteousness. But it’s GOD’S TRUTH that we stand up for, not for trivia and the he-said-she-said kinds of “truths” that start petty arguments.


Let’s encourage righteousness of love, forgiveness, and patience to do a lot of smooching in our marriages … because then we’ll truly discover the peace.  


Question: Are you more concerned with being right or being righteous?


In Christ’s Love,

a guy who’s wrong when

he’s obnoxiously right


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