Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Nov 6 - Psalm 11:2-3

The wicked are

stringing their bows ...

They shoot from the shadows

at those who do right.

The foundations of law

and order have collapsed.

What can the righteous do?"

Psalm 11:2-3

My son Jay was a Revolutionary War re-enactor. He wore a bright red coat. The British marched in precise columns and fought in the open. It was a matter of honor, and they were appalled at an uncouth enemy who would "shoot from the shadows."

But this was nothing new. Every side tends to view every enemy as uncouth. And according to this Psalm, "shoot[ing] from the shadows" has long been a tactic of the underdog. 

David wrote this Psalm at least 3000 years ago. Therefore, it's been consistently true for millennia that “those who do right" are consistently aimed at.


And three thousand years later -- and specifically in this generation -- it is increasingly true that "the foundations of law and order have collapsed." And “those who do right,” those who appeal to timeless standards set by God, feel increasingly aimed at, indeed.


That’s life in a sinful world.


So … before you cry, "What can the righteous do?" remember what I said earlier: "shoot[ing] from the shadows" has long been a tactic of the underdog. 

Why do I call the steadily advancing enemies in our world " the underdogs," especially when their arrows are increasingly stinging? Well, before you despair, read verse 4 ...


the LORD is in his holy Temple;

the LORD still rules from heaven.

He watches everything closely,

examining everyone on earth.


Though the enemy is still shooting, the victory has already been won. Stand firm.


In Christ's Love,

a guy who doesn't

like an enemy who

"shoots from the shadows";

so I cling instead to the cross

which is the sword

that opened the gate

to the ultimate victory



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