Sunday, November 23, 2014

Nov 24 - Psalm 18:18 (H)

They attacked me

at a moment

when I was weakest,

but the Lord upheld me.

Psalm 18:18

When are you most vulnerable?

Like the old saying -- "a chain is only as strong as its weakest link" -- we need to be aware that we are most vulnerable at the "moment[s] when [we are] weakest."

So ... when are you most vulnerable?

Here's an acronym that might help -- HALT. It reminds us that we should never let us get ourselves too (H)ungry, too (A)ngry, too (L)onely, too (T)ired.


This is a warning against letting physical urges control you.

·       Hunger is just one of them, though many people use food as a substitutional comfort instead of dealing with problems directly.

·       Others drink or do drugs (or increasingly take an excess of prescription medication) to mask stresses and hurts.

·       Sex is a major physical motivator, representing one of the most life-destroying (and family-weakening) forces in our world today.

The warning is, first, "don't let yourself get too hungry."

The deeper warning is, "when physical urges manifest, stop (halt) and analyze what is psychologically -- and spiritually -- driving you.

In Christ’s Love,

a guy who wants an appetite

for the things of God

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