Saturday, April 28, 2012

Apr 28 - 1 Timothy 6:11

Pursue righteousness,
godliness, faith, love,
endurance, gentleness.
1 Timothy 6:11

I have a friend who reads statements like this as a commandment.

What’s the implication of this? This means that instead of 10 commandments in the Old Testament, there are suddenly 1000 commandments in the New Testament. Whoa! That would be a tremendous burden. Even the Pharisees didn’t heap on that heavy a load.

These statements are not commandments. They are more like Proverbs. They are pieces of wisdom. In fact, I’d encourage you to view them as forms of encouragement.

Encouragement?! Especially since we all sin and regularly fall short?! Encouragement?!


Let me tell you how …

I heard a friend of Billy Graham tell how this old preacher has a dozen Bibles around his house. Each is open. Indeed, they are all open to the Book of Proverbs. This wise, old man of God says, “Every time I pass by, I glance down and have a snack.”

What if we snack on verses like the one today?! In this way it’s a reminder … and an encouragement.

Every moment of every day I want to draw nearer to God. At this moment, I need to pursue a little more gentleness. When I’m rushed and harried, I need to slow down for the people around me.

What about you? Reread today’s verse. As you snack on it, which of those six qualities will help you grow an inch closer to God this minute?

In Christ’s Love,
a guy who loves to snack
(and the good thing about
this kind of snacking
is that the inches it adds
are in closeness to God
rather than around my waist!)

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