Friday, March 30, 2012

Mar 30 - 1 Chronicles 29:17

I know, my God, that you search the heart,
and take pleasure in uprightness.
1 Chronicles 29:17

God takes pleasure in righteousness.

The world does not.

Look at the tabloids. Look at reality TV.

Why is there such a hunger in our world for this kind of drama? I’ve heard people say that they’re drawn to it. They can’t help but study, shake their heads, or laugh at the train wreck of people’s lives. It’s the same reason, they say, that we all slow down to gape at an accident on the side of the road. Morbid – but inescapable – curiosity.

What does this say about our own hearts, though? We say we’d watch the News more if it was filled with more uplifting stories, but the TV ratings don’t lie. Sex sells. Violence sells. Scandals and conspiracy theories draw us in. Why are we drawn like flies to manure, and indeed, what does this say about our hearts?

Right now … celebrate! You’re reading this rather than a tabloid.

Every time you reach for the remote, try searching your own heart even before God has a chance. Begin examining your motives. Begin “tak[ing more] pleasure in uprightness” and you’ll find the “God [who] search[es] the heart” filling you with more joy and purpose.

In Christ’s Love,
a guy who likes writing these
because it always refocuses me
(and it encourages me that you’re reading them
and hopefully, daily, refocusing you!)

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