Thursday, February 16, 2012

Feb 16 - Psalm 26:8

O Lord, I love
the house in which you dwell,
and the place where
your glory abides.
Psalm 26:8
I've lived in some pretty nice houses.
I've also lived in some houses that have seen better days.
In seminary, we lived way below the poverty line ... with two tiny boys ... and with two big dogs. I remember pulling up to the house that the seminary was renting to us. It looked smaller than our U-Haul truck!
That was one of our favorite houses ever!
It wasn't because it was big or fancy. It was because love lived there.
David was saying the same thing in Psalm 26. Since the temple was not built in the days of David, God's presence didn't live in a "house" -- at best, he "lived" in the tent and tabernacle. But I don't think David was talking about loving even a grand tent.
I think David was simply saying that he loved any place where God was. I think he treasured any spot where God's glory shined.
Why? Because love lived there!
And whereever love lives, David was willing to call "home."
In Christ's Love,
a guy who has lots of places
that he can call home
(because I've seen lots of
love and glory)

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