Friday, September 18, 2009

+ Daniel 11 + King + False gods + Priorities

Daniel 11:36 "The king shall act as he pleases. He shall exalt himself and consider himself greater than any god, and shall speak horrendous things against the God of gods. ... 37 He shall pay no respect to the gods of his ancestors ... 38 He shall honor the god of fortresses instead ...

Daniel 11 is talking about the Antichrist again. It's understandable to think he will "36 exalt himself ... and ... speak horrendous things against the God of gods." He's evil, right?

But how about us? In what ways do we "37 pay no respect to the [G]od of [our] ancestors"? In what ways do we "36 act as [w]e please[]"?

I'm surely not suggesting a moral equivalence between us and the antichrist! And yet, in what ways do we act like our own god -- following our own path, doing as we please, and subtly ignoring God in the way we live our lives?

O God, you are my God. Help me to always praise you.


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