Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Would you be willing to write a Lenten Devotional?!?!?!?

Devotional Group …


Would you be willing to write a Lenten Devotional?!?!?!?

I have twenty more slots!!!


Writing instructions …


·        I’ll give you a verse.


·        Before writing: Read your passage in context! Perhaps the paragraph before and after.

·        You can switch and use any translation of this verse (if you’d rather).


·        General advice

o   In a few sentences tell what the passage means in context.

o   Spend more time telling what it means to you.

o   And for best results, tell a story that connects this passage to your life – this is what people will connect to!!!!

o   Do these in any order!!!


·        Write about 200-300 words.

·        To make it easy for me to assemble, put the verse on the top and commentary below … and sign it with your name!


·        Due: Monday, February 1




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