Sunday, October 1, 2017

Oct 2 - John 8:12

Jesus says, “I am

the light of the world.

Whoever follows me will

never walk in darkness but

will have the light of life."

John 8:12

The summer solstice is the longest day of the year. It occurs generally on or about June 21. O
ne year on June 22, I remember my father saying, "This is the worst day of the year." Why? "From now on we start losing light!"

It was a joke. But how many of us feel like we're losing light in our world?

In today's verse, Jesus is telling us that there are two "sides" in this world. There is light and there is darkness. 

In one sense, darkness is evil. There is a cosmic battle. Darkness is actively opposed to the light. 

In another sense, darkness is blindness. We're simply looking the wrong way. We've been deceived. We - naively or willfully - don't know what is right or don't want to know what is light. Either way, we live in darkness. 

And like we find now in our October skies, the darkness seems to be steadily encroaching in our culture. Why? Because our corner of world is gradually rejecting the light. 

Jesus offers an alternative. The alternative isn't light. It's him. He's the light. He's the way, the truth, and the life. He loves and forgives. He teaches and heals. He lightens our path and lightens our burdens. He shows us a "way" of living that brings graciousness and integrity. He gives us the certain hope of eternal "life." Furthermore, he is the only true "truth" in a world of lies. 

With that last statement in mind, I invite you to join us on Wednesdays at either 11:00am or 6:00pm. We are on a journey to discover Truth. The Truth Project is a worldview class that exposes the cosmic battle of blindness and deceit and leads us on a path of brighter and brighter light. 

In Christ's Love,

a guy who has a

love-hate relationship

with Fall: less light,

but cooler temperatures

(I guess I'll have to

find my light in a person -

Jesus - and his Word)

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