canceled the charge
of our legal indebtedness,
which stood against us
and condemned us;
he has taken it away,
nailing it to the cross.
Colossians 2:14
I’m a pretty careful driver. I’ve only gotten on ticket in my life! It occurred when one day I didn’t see a stop sign. Thus, I absolutely blew through it.
Because I didn’t want points on my license and the increased insurance cost, I went to court. I asked for a “Prayer for Judgment Continued.” I don’t know if this plea is still on the books, but they essentially suspend the charge, and as long as you didn’t get another ticket in the next three years, the charge would disappear. No points. No penalty. It’s wiped clean.
In some ways, that’s like what Jesus Christ does for us. We have a “legal indebtedness.” All of us sin. All of us fall short of God’s glorious standard. These charges continually “st[and] against us.” These charges eternally “condemn[] us.” But Jesus has totally “canceled the[se] charges.” He’s paid our fine. He’s served our penalty – which was a death penalty. Indeed, he’s “taken [our guilt] away [by] nailing it to the cross.”
We need a Prayer for Judgment Continued. But not a conditional pardon like traffic court offered me! We will all sin again and again. We’ll keep getting multiple ticket. Fortunately, God’s kind of grace unconditionally wipes the debts we confess free.
Show up to God’s court. And don’t plead the Fifth. Plead the 2:14th. And trust that the Savior is nailing your “legal indebtedness … to the cross.”
In Christ’s Love,
a guy who needs to
start thinking of the cross with
all kinds papers fluttering all over it
(They’re the legal charges
against my soul, and they’re
all stamped: Debt Canceled.)
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