Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Devotion: Romans 12:2

Do not be conformed to this world, 

but be transformed by

the renewing of your minds,

so that you may discern

what is the will of God—

what is good and acceptable

and perfect.

Romans 12:2


·         In a broken world, do you want more "good" than a litany of bad?

·         Do you want to know what know what God views as "acceptable," desirable, and wise?

·         Do you pray that not only you, but somehow this world, could start aiming for what is more "perfect"?


Well, those three words - the ones in quotes - are our trajectory for Fall at Spirit of Joy. 

How many of you have been heartsick over the damage of Hurricane Harvey? By the same token, how many of you have been heartened by the spontaneous and generous response - not only from strangers across America, but from neighbors, common folks, along Houston's flooded streets. People are absolutely risking their lives to help strangers. 


I read pieces of an article this morning which said essentially, Don't let the media fool you. Average America is not divided along every age, race, and gender line. Average America is ready to help their neighbors ... as Houston reminds us. For example, the racial animus in Charlottesville recently was shocking - utterly despicable - but where's the coverage of the thousands of other towns that weren't erupting into violence that weekend. A few hateful people are made to serve as political avitars for entire genders and races, while the hundreds of thousands of people (of the same genders and races) who serve their communities at food banks and homeless shelters weekly and monthly go ignored. 


I'll talk tomorrow about the more "transform[ative]" meaning of this passage, but for today, two quick things: First, we need to not be "conformed to this world" by any human - whether that is a big media, a cynical friend, or our own selfish hearts with our own little perspectives. Rather, we need to learn to conform to God's perspective - because his goal is to "transform" and "renew".


Second, today starts a class that helps with that. Join me Wednesdays at either 11:00am or 6:00pm as we seek to be transformed by the renewing of our minds through the classic study, The Truth Project. 

In Christ's Love,

a guy who doesn't want

to be conformed (like

jello into a plastic mold)

but be transformed by

a majestic Lord who'll

lift me up on wings

like eagles


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