Do you want more of the presence of God?
Today, we will discuss the third step of
Practice and Discipline and Making it Happen.
After we actively choose (yes, we want more of God), we must submit. We must give God the keys to our life. We must say, “Not my will, but thy will be done.”
Then we must practice the practical disciplines that draw us progressively closer to God.
On Thursday, we talked about prayer. It is talking … and listening.
Yesterday, we talked about meditating on God’s word. This is absolutely the clearest way to hear God’s voice.
Today, based on 2 Chronicles 7:14 (If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves … and pray … and seek my face … and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and heal their land),
we are invited to seek God’s face.
What does that mean?!!!
3. “And seek my face”
The final discipline is seeking God’s face. Another word for this is worship. As part of time with God, make sure to 1) thank him, 2) praise him, and 3) spend time worshipfully with him. For some it will involve more silence. For others it may mean singing a hymn of praise. Others, after reading and praying may want to walk outside and enjoy the beauty of his creation.
My wife, spends the first few moments of devotion on the back porch, looking out over creation, and thanking God (until she wakes up enough to focus on the more intentional parts of her discipline – which include scripture and prayer). (By the way, coffee is part of her routine. For her, the smell of coffee is both a reminder of God’s blessings and the scent of God’s presence getting ready to break in!)
Assignment: If you don’t know how to worship, praise, or seek God’s face, add one more minute to the two (plus) minutes of your prayer time, starting with telling God as many things as you can think of that you are thankful for. (Hint: I find doing this alphabetically helps me … God, I’m thankful for air that’s fresh, breakfast in a few minutes, children – Paul, Jay, and Rob, d …, e …, etc. )
Ahh … there’s one more practice, one more discipline …
I’d suggest first thing in the morning. And that’s from a person who is definitely not a morning person. Some days I’m not sure if I’m alive til noon! Nevertheless, if I don’t start with discipline, I seem to never fully make it back up.
Furthermore, morning provides us with one other blessing. When we start the day listening to God, we’re more likely to live that day with his guidance, purposes, and power (rather than charging out unarmed and unfocused).
There are three parts of this practice – prayer, word, and seeking God’s face. If you’re brand new to this, here’s how to start fitting this into your day …
1. Set your alarm ten minutes earlier …
2. Find a comfortable spot – away from distractions.
3. Optional: Get a cup of coffee.
4. Spend a few minutes with God.
· One minute to praise.
· Five minutes to read scripture.
· Two minutes to pray.
· Two minutes to listen
5. Repeat daily.
6. And you might eventually start enjoying it so much that you’ll jump out of bed fifteen or twenty minutes early!!!! (In fact, I’ll bet you will. But start simple.)
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