Thursday, January 24, 2013

Jan 24 - 1 Samuel 3:18

It is the Lord; let him do
what seems good to him.
1 Samuel 3:18

How many of us wish for a simpler life? Less hassle?! Less drama?! Less hard decisions?! Absolutely!

1 Samuel 3:18 is a simpler-life-verse. I tells us our motto should be, “Let God be God.”

In fact, a lot of worrying and wondering can be eliminated if we simply say, “Let’s do what seems good to him.”

We follow the commandments.
We love our enemies.
We forgive those who’ve trespassed against us.
“Let’s do what seems good to him.”

We don’t tell little white lies or fudge on our taxes.
We don’t buy into cultural excuses.
We don’t wink at sin.
“Let’s do what seems good to him.”

We reserve the Sabbath for church and family.
We break the pattern of addictions.
We remove ourselves from the center of our own prideful little world.
“Let’s do what seems good to him.”

These things aren’t necessarily easier – at least to begin with – but in the end, being free from secrets and sins sets us absolutely free. Integrity is a powerful path to deeper life.

In Christ’s Love,
a guy who needs simpler
(but it’s the time wasters
that really kill me)

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