Monday, May 5, 2014

DEVO May 5 - How to discover delight

Devotion below … but first read the following Scripture!




Our theme for the Spring is Jubilee. Scripturally, the Jubilee is God’s plan for restoration, joy, freedom, and blessing in life. Yesterday, then, we focused on the related them of Sabbath – as a God-designed path to weekly (and eventually daily) joy and freedom.


Listen to God’s promises regarding his Sabbath. Indeed, read the lesson above: If you call the Sabbath a delight … then you shall take delight in the Lord.


I don’t know about you, but I want more joy and delight in life!


But God says, don’t expect it if you blow past the Sabbath (like some people blow past stop signs.)


In yesterday’s sermon, I intentionally made a big spectacle of making light of the legalism that some people associate with the Sabbath. Why?


1.    Because the Sabbath was God-designed to set us free (and not be human-burdened with rules, which it became).


2.    Because I’m nevertheless going to encourage you to be more legalistic about Sabbath keeping.






No, it’s not about legalism … and to do’s … and not to do’s. It’s that most of us are so far out-of-balance that if we’re not overly intentional (almost legalistic), we probably won’t make enough change to discover the delight that God is promoting!


On Monday, start making plans for how you can be more intentional about keep the Sabbath this coming Sunday!


In Christ’s Love,

a guy who knows

that “delightful” means,

“full of delight” and apparently,

“full of the Sabbath” too








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