Monday, April 28, 2014

DEVO Apr 29 - Understanding the Trap of Complexity

Cast thy care, or thought,

[(or) busyness,] on the Lord,

and he shall fully nourish thee

Psalm 55:22 WYC

The parentheses and brackets are how

Wycliffe Translation prints it!


As we said yesterday, a key to peace and joy is … Simplicity! (Tomorrow we’ll focus on the simple solution to life’s overwhelming busyness.) Today, however, let me focus on our chronic lack of simplicity. Let’s call it the devil of complexity.


Think about the way most of us live. Aren’t we all trying to juggle too many balls?!


If I gave you five or six things and asked you make a list of all the things you have to do, think about how long would your list be?


·         How many work demands do you have?

·         How many home chores are there on your list?

·         How many daily necessities must we attend too like cooking, cleaning, laundry, shaving, showering, bill paying?

·         How many kid’s activities to you have carpool to and from?

·         How many volunteer opportunities might you have an opportunity to make a difference through?

·         How many things do you really want to do ... need to do … hope to get to?!

·         How much does all of this cost? (Because this is a form of financial complexity.)

·         And how many things does your spouse have for you on your honey-do list?

·         Are there hobbies you want to play at, books you want to read, shows you want to watch?


Are you tired yet?!! Complication is a form of bondage that Satan loves.


And while we may know that, that’s the way most of us live our lives. We’re buried under an unending and overwhelming checklist.


If, as we said yesterday, the key to peace and joy is simplicity, then what is the heart of simplicity? It is focusing on one thing. So, the question is …


In your life, what is your one thing?


Today, I’m going to leave you in an awkward place. I’m not going to provide a solution to the complexity … yet. (That’s for tomorrow.) Today, I want you to sit with this question – What’s your one thing?


In Christ’s Love,

a guy who’s casting

his cares on the Lord and

waiting for them to flourish




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