Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Dec 4 - John 2:11

Jesus revealed his glory;
and his disciples believed in him.
John 2:11

“Oh, how easy it would have been,” too many people say, “to have lived back in Bible times. If only I could have seen Jesus turn water into wine or heal a blind man, I would have believed.”

I can understand that.

So could Jesus. When Thomas wasn’t there for the resurrection, this Apostle said to the others, “Unless I see with my own eyes and touch the nail scars with my own hands, I will not believe.”

“Oh, how easy it would have been,” too many say, “if Jesus would show in person for me like he did for Thomas. If only I could see and touch.”

That’s one of the reasons we call it “faith” rather than “certainty.” As it says in Hebrews 11:1, “faith is … the conviction of things not seen.” Indeed, that’s why Jesus said to Thomas, “Blessed are those who do not see and yet still believe.”

We can wish it were different, but this is the way that God has chosen to work. (In fact, if you ever get to be God, please feel free to choose to do things differently.) But in the meantime, hopefully you know that the best way to see God’s glory is to slow down. To listen. To look deeper. Why?
  •      Because God has absolutely revealed his glory in the past. Therefore, will we choose to trust the witness of others? including ancient prophets? and persecuted apostles? and faithful witnesses who daily intersect with your life?

  •      Because God still powerfully reveals his glory in the present. Do I open my heart daily to see his majesty in the wonders of creation? (see Romans 1:19-22)

  •      Because God is always speaking (in the present and always into the future). The only question is … Do I stop enough to listen? Do I read his Word enough so that I know his “voice” and can “hear him” when he intersects with my life? Do I place my life in the hands of other faithful pilgrims, allowing them to help me see when the threads of life are weaving a tapestry that’s more glory than mere coincidence?

In Christ’s Love,
a guy who needs hearing aids –
like faith-filled friends
who help me hear

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