And an angel of the Lord appeared to them,
and the glory of the Lord shone around them,
and they were filled with fear.
Luke 2:9
I love the old Jimmy Stewart movie It’s a Wonderful Life.
A man is discouraged. Scores of people pray for him. Heaven hears his prayers. And Clarence – his guardian angel – is sent to help. According to the movie, George Bailey’s guardian angel is a former clockmaker named Clarence.
That’s what many people believe about heaven and angels. Are you one who’s heard rumors that when good people go to heaven, we’ll “get our wings.”
That’s not Biblical. Angels are a separate “species,” created before the formation of the earth. When humans die, we become – in a sense – more fully human … not angels.
Scripture talks about a new heaven and a new earth. It is physical. And we will receive a new body, not wings. Angels are angels. Humans remain humans. And God is on the throne.
So … angels are a wholly separate and holy wonderful “species.” Their purpose? They live to do God’s will! As this passage reveals, they do at least one other thing – they powerfully reflect God’s glory! Perhaps it’s like a mirror. They get to see God face-to-face; thus, they shine God’s glory into our darkened world.
And the night of the nativity was one of the greatest power surges in history!
Multitudes of the heavenly host appeared to mere shepherds. Indeed, God’s light shone magnificently into our night.
In Christ’s Love,
a guy who doesn’t
want a surge protector
(I want all God’s blessings!)
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