Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Dev: Nov 17 - Hebrews 11:1

Now faith is being sure

of what we hope for and

certain of what we do not see.

Hebrews 11:1

So what is hope? 

It could be said -- and rightly so -- that today's verse is about faith (and on another day, we can talk about what this powerful verse teaches us about faith). But today, let's focus on what this verse teaches us about hope.

According to secular definitions, hope is a feeling, an expectation, a desire for some potential thing to happen. 

In secular terms, hope is almost an adventure in possibilities and impossibilities. It is wishing for something that is not to become something that is. 

Biblical hope is something different. Today's verse uses two different words to describe faith and hope. It speaks of "being sure." 


It earthly, worldly terms, I can hope that something might occur, but I can't be sure. Spiritually, however, I can be certain that all things are possible with God. 


Let me say that a different way, because this is important … "Being sure" doesn't mean that I'm confident that my every wish will occur. Of course not! Rather, it means I can "be sure" that God can (and will) make happen what truly needs to happen. Thus our godly desires can always be a reality with God.


Therefore … Christian hope is not hoping is not that our own wishes come true. Rather, we're hoping that our desires begin to align with God's desires. (Read that last sentence again and again until it begins to sink in.) When we begin to desire what God desires, that is when we can begin to "be sure" that all things will work together for good for those who love God.


Does that make sense? Christian hope is not hoping for our own wishes and desires. It's hoping that we begin to align ourselves with God's desires. Thus, Christian hope is the end of "my will be done," and it is, rather, hoping for "thy will be done."


With God, I'm not relying on coincidence. And that’s why is can “be sure.”


My hope doesn't change God. Rather, when I align my heart to God, my hope changes me.


In Christ's Love,

a guy who hopes

to hope

what God hopes

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