Monday, October 24, 2016

10/24-25 - 1 Tim 4:15 - What "Handicaps" You?

Be diligent about this work,

throw yourself into it,

so that your progress

may be clear to everyone.

1 Timothy 4:15


Do you know anyone who is handicapped? It’s hard work.


Most of us take so many things for granted.


·         We tie our shoes. Some people have only one hand.

·         We get up at a commercial break to get a soda from the frig. Some people can’t walk.

·         We can hear in crowded restaurants; others can’t.

·         We can see; others are blind.

·         When we walk to the mailbox, we forget how easy it is to breath; others can barely walk to the door.


Managing with a disability requires a lot of hard work! (Not to mention courage.) And one word for this is “diligence.” It is persistent effort – day after day after day after day.


Well, the road to freedom also takes diligence. It is hard work. Persistence. Perseverance. It is day after day after day after day.


Today’s sign is the handicapped sign. When you are in bondage, you are handicapped. (Now, I don’t say this to minimize true physical handicaps. Of course!) But I want you to see whatever enslaves us as a burden – a conquerable burden.


Let me give you an example … People describe COPD as an elephant sitting on your chest. With this disease, it is nearly impossible to breathe. Well, doesn’t the enslavement of grief has a similar effect? Grief sits on our chest. It makes it hard to breathe … to work … to think … to do.


Spiritually, life is hard when we’re chained by any enslavement, including grief. It’s a “handicap.” Nevertheless, people do get through it. Step by step. Day after day. One breath at a time.


Sometimes freedom takes daily obedience. Sometimes it takes daily sacrifice. Sometimes it requires repeated forgiveness. Sometimes freedom involves a lot persistent patience. And always it requires diligence. As Biblical wisdom coaches in today’s verse: “Be diligent about this work, throw yourself into it, so that your progress may be clear to everyone.”      


One final thought …


When the state issue handicapped stickers, some are permanent … because some disabilities are permanent. But the state also issues temporary handicapped permits. Why? Because some handicaps are temporary and people do heal!


The enslavements we’re talking about can be temporary! You can heal. You can truly be set free from whatever enslaves you.


Now, you can make these enslavements permanent, of course, by choosing to wallow in despair. But with courage, faith, determination, and diligence, you can be set free. It’s kind of like a stay in a rehabilitation hospital. Reclaiming your life will require hard work – day after day after day after day. But there’s adventure on the other side!


In Christ’s Love,

a guy who doesn’t park

in handicapped spots

(and a guy who doesn’t

want to spiritually camp in

handicapped spaces either)







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