Wednesday, October 19, 2016

10/20 - Luke 4:8 - Do you point up ... joyfully?!

Jesus answered … “It is written:

Worship the Lord your God,

and serve Him only.”

Luke 4:8


Yesterday’s sign was a “one way” sign. These signs usually show which one – and only one – direction a street’s traffic is to flow.


Today’s sign is different form of a one way sign. I’ve seen it used most frequently at the edge of a parking lot with several driveways in and out. One driveway will have this sign – it says essentially, “enter,” “go forward,” or “this way only”! The other driveway, of course, has a bright red sign – “Do Not Enter.”


That’s what it technically means. But I didn’t choose this sign for what it says, literally. I chose it because it points up! And because it says, “only.”


Or in other words, “point up only!”


Or as Jesus said, “Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only”!


What does this sign say – to me, and hopefully now to you? It says …


Worship! (Because God is “up.”)

Praise! (Because God is “up.”)

Give thanks! (Because God is “up.”)


There’s a growing trend in small group ministries and Bible Studies. They’re less about learning. They’re less about head knowledge. And they’re more and more about worship.


If we gather for an hour first and worship … then our hearts are changed. We align ourselves with God’s presence. As we worship, we submit to his majesty. As we praise, we welcome his power.


Then – as the meeting continues – whatever we discuss, is not mere head-knowledge; it’s heart, soul, mind, and strength … powerfully!


How much do you use worship to shape your day-to-day interaction with God?


You don’t need a church building. You don’t need a song leader. You don’t need a pastor. All you need is a submitted heart!


God will meet you when you praise him. You can turn on a Christian song. You can exalt in the beauty of his creation. You can rejoice in the blessings that friends and relatives are receiving. Worship! Point up … only!


God will also meet you when you thank him. Make thanksgiving part of every prayer … because it changes things! Often we operate on essentially the myth of scarcity. We have a need – “God provide!” That’s a valid prayer. But a better prayer starts with thanksgiving. After we spend a few minutes giving thanks for all of the ways that God has helped us in the past and is blessing us in the present, then we approach God with more abundant confidence.


We’re not praying, “God might you be able to provide?” When thanksgiving is our habit, we’re suddenly exulting, “God it’s clear that you are generous and that you always desire to bless your children. Therefore, I come to you boldly!”  


How might you incorporate more worship – more joyfully – into your life today? And every day?


In Christ’s Love,

a guy who loves the

classic movie …


(Oops. Sorry

for the interruption.

I love the Pixar movie Up,

from which came the

dog who was constantly

distracted by squirrels.)

I don’t want to be distracted.

I want to focus up.






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