Jesus said,
"Forgive us our debts"
Matthew 6:12a
In my heart, I always say, "forgive us our trespasses," and I sadly admit that I have too often cross the line and stepped into territories where I don't belong.
I have been angry, envious, lazy, proud, gluttonous, envious, and greedy. And besides those seven deadly sins, I have surely stepped on other people to get what I want. I have trespassed on the gentleness of their hearts. I am indeed at trespasser, and I desperately need God's forgiveness ... and often yours.
Yes, my heart prays "trespasses," but my favorite image for forgiveness is a banking image that centers around debts.
· When someone has sinned against us, they've incurred a debt. They owe us something -- at least an apology, often restitution.
· To move toward forgiving the debt, we must then examine this debt.
o Wait! Here's what this doesn't mean: It doesn't mean dwelling on it! (Some people become obsessed with the debts, turning them over and over in their mind, like a ugly, juicy pig roasting on a spit. They'd generally deny this, but they are essentially savoring the pain they've been given and the pain they desire to give back. That's not what I mean by examining the debt!)
o Rather, ask yourself, "WHY did it hurt?" For example, did the harsh words or tone of voice make me feel unloved? As it is in medicine, we can't be healed until we have the proper diagnosis.
· If the debt is little -- I accidentally stepped on your toe -- you (the teller at the counter) can a forgive a few a pennies of debt yourself. But what if the debt is big? Huge?! A mere teller can't forgive such massive debt. Therefore, we must go to who? The bank manager. God! Only he can forgive such massive debt. We need his power behind us.
· The next step is to actually forgive. To -- with God's help -- close the account. To forgive the debt.
· Then we need to never reopen this account. (Have you ever heard anyone say, "Well, I remember six years ago when you ..."? Have you ever said that yourself? Close the account!)
Who do you need to forgive? Work through this process and see if you can’t get some resolution with them, with your own heart, and with God.
In Christ's Love,
a guy who has incurred
more debt than he'd
like to admit
... which makes God's
grace all the sweeter
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