Thursday, March 20, 2014

LENT: Mar 21 - Romans 4:16-17 (2)

the promise [which] rest[s] on grace

[is] guaranteed to all …

who share the faith of Abraham …

in the presence of the God in whom he believed,

who gives life to the dead and

calls into existence the things that do not exist.”

Romans 4:16-17


I love good animation.


In fact, as I was just becoming a (semi-)professional cartoonist, I remember going to the re-release of Disney’s Jungle Book. And I was in awe!


But than a good cartoonist’s animation, however, is God’s almighty animation! Scripture tells us that when time began, God animated what was formless, lifeless, and void!


Now, animation does not mean cartooning. Animation means bringing to life that which is lifeless. Doodles on paper can move with the right amount of artistic flair. But better than cartooning, God is the master animator, making inert chemicals spring to literal life. As we focused on yesterday, God “calls into existence the things that do not exist.”


Today we focus on a second form of divine animation (a second phrase from our verse for today). God “gives life to the dead.” This is re-animation. This is the promise that this life is not the end. This is hope and confidence that the dead in Christ will raise imperishable. This is eternal life. This is heaven.


Life and animation are awe-inspiring gifts. Eternal life and re-animation are the gifts that know no end.


In Christ’s Love,

a cartoonist who’s glad to know personally

The greatest animator of all time













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