Day 29
Accepting Your Assignment
"Well done, you good and faithful servant!'
said his master. "You have been faithful
in managing small amounts, so I will
put you in charge of large amounts.
Come on in and share my happiness!'
Matthew 25:21 GNT
When people ask, “What’s my purpose?” what they traditionally think of is today’s theme. Rick Warren says, “You were put on earth to make a contribution.”
Indeed, when people ask, “What’s my purpose?” they’re generally thinking about contributions … and then legacies.
It’s at this point that we need to stop and remember our first three purposes:
- Worship – loving God
- Fellowship – loving others
- Discipleship – becoming more Christ-like
If all we did in life was through first three things, we’d be well on our way to life of purpose and joy. Indeed, if we’re systematically becoming more Christ-like, we’re going to start serving God whether anyone (like Rick Warren) suggests you do or not. Indeed, becoming Christ-like naturally includes a life a service. Similarly, loving others more fully (fellowship) implies a life of service too.
So … why do we need a whole week on service? Because we’re sinful, slothful, selfish, weak, and distractible. That’s why Jesus says, love others and serve others. That’s why Jesus also says, be like me (discipleship) and help others too (service).
Rick Warren says, “You are created to serve God … [and] saved to serve God … [and] called to serve God … [and] commanded to serve God.” And the greatest words any of us could ever hear will be, “Well done, good and faithful servant” (Matt 25:21).
If you want to hear these words,
Follow Jesus
Love Others
And get off your backside and simply serve
In Christ’s Love,
a guy who’s watched people
for twenty years: and
the most content are
always the servants
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