… and Peter
Mark 16:7
My favorite two words of the Easter Gospels are “and Peter.”
In Mark 16:7, the angel tells the women at the tomb, “go, tell his disciples and Peter, 'He is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him, just as he told you.'"
Wait … Go and tell who?
Why is it significant that Peter is mentioned by name? Because think of the last time we saw Peter in the Gospels. Three times in the courtyard of the high priest, “the Rock” cursed and swore and lied. Three times he denied that he’d ever know Jesus. Then the cock crowed, and as Luke records, Peter went out and wept bitterly.
Peter betrayed Jesus.
Judas did too.
The consequence? When this second disciple, the son of Iscariot, realized the weight of his betrayal, scripture tells us that he hanged himself.
What about Peter? What was his destiny when he realized the weight of his betrayal?
On his own, Peter might have sunk into darkness, despair, and a slow wasting death, akin to suicide. But on that glorious Easter morning, the words, “and Peter,” reconciled a broken sinner to the hope and life of the kingdom.
Whatever sins you’ve committed in your life can be reconciled through the hope of Easter too.
Christ is Risen!
In Christ’s Love,
a redeemed sinner
who joyfully calls back,
“He is Risen Indeed!