Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Jun 29 - DELIGHT IN LAW - Exodus 20:13-17

13 Thou shalt not kill.

14 Thou shalt not commit adultery.

15 Thou shalt not steal.

16 Thou shalt not bear false witness

against thy neighbour.

17 Thou shalt not covet

thy neighbour's house,

thou shalt not covet

thy neighbour's wife,

nor his manservant,

nor his maidservant,

nor his ox, nor his ass, nor

any thing that is thy neighbour's.

Exodus 20


We’re on an Exodus journey from bondage in our own Egypts to freedom in God’s Promised Land for each of us. Our theme, therefore, is freedom.


And the question is … How do commandments six through ten set us free?


It happens in two ways. First, I’m more free when people aren’t trying to kill me or steal my stuff or seduce my wife. When the world obeys the commandments, we’re all more peace, happy, and free!


But what is the freedom that comes when you and I personally follow the commandments. What, indeed, is the freedom that obedience brings?


When God gives a commandment, he’s showing us a path of life. My life isn’t better only when no one is killing me, it’s better when I live in a way that killing (or hatred, anger, bitterness, and revenge) are not in my heart.


·         Hatred robs me of love.

·         Anger robs of me peace.

·         Bitterness robs me of hope.

·         Covetousness robs me of gratitude.

·         False witness chains me to lies and the father of lies.

·         Adultery robs me of a future filled with unity, trust, love, and family blessings.


Yes, my life is better when I live in a way that sin is not ruling my heart. Indeed, my life is better when I choose God’s path to freedom!


In Christ’s Love,

a guy who loves the

second verse in the Psalms:

“Happy are those who …

delight in the law of the Lord”

Psalm 1:2






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