Saturday, March 19, 2016

Mar 19/20 - 11 - Romans 6:23

For the wages of sin is death,

but the gift of God is eternal life

in Christ Jesus our Lord. 

Romans 6:23

Bible Rank: 11


It’s a simple mathematical formula:


Sin = Death

God = Life


We can wink at sin. We can excuse it – in ourselves and others. But sin leads to death. Why? Because it separates us from God. And separated from God – who alone is life – then we are dead. Think about it … without the Lord’s life-giving intervention, where will you and I be in 100 years? Dead.


But God doesn’t want us to be dead!!!


Therefore, he said, “Be good and you’ll be worthy enough to come to me and you won’t die.” (That’s what the Law is all about – Ten Commandments, 623 laws in Leviticus.)


And guess what? It didn’t work. (God knew it wouldn’t. But we had to learn it for ourselves.) “Being good” doesn’t work, because sin isn’t what we do (although much of what we do is sinful); rather, sin is who we are. We’re not God! We’re fallible by nature. We’re sinful and unclean. We cannot free ourselves.


So how can our sin be taken away? If we can’t do it, then the God who is life must do it. And fortunately His goal is that all may live.


Therefore, to accomplish this, Jesus “became sin for us.” “He took our sins in His body on the cross. So that we might be dead to sin and alive to all that is good. By His wounds you have been healed!” (2 Peter 2:24).


Sin still equals death. But the death was Jesus’ death in our place. And you have life eternal when you accept this sacrifice made on your behalf. “By His wounds you have been healed!”


In Christ’s Love,

a guy who spells “life”


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